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Empty house insurance UK

Empty house insurance, otherwise known as unoccupied property insurance, covers your building and/or contents while nobody is living in the home. Standard home insurance policies won’t do in this circumstance, as they normally require that the property is not left empty for more than 30 or 60 days. You might be trying to sell the property and not living there, or maybe there are renovations, or perhaps you’re simply away for a long period. Whatever the reason, Apricot can help. We will search specialist schemes and insurers to find a competitive quote for your empty house insurance. It only takes minutes – give us a try today and see if you can save a lot with Apricot!

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Empty house insurance UK

If you own a property, you’ll hate the idea of leaving it empty for long periods of time. Anything could happen while you are away. A window could smash, or a leak could cause damage. Empty house insurance, also called unoccupied property insurance, could help.

What is empty house insurance?

Empty house insurance is a policy that covers your empty building in case of damages. It insures a property that has no one living in it. When unoccupied for an extended period, your home isn’t usually covered by standard insurance policies. If you don’t seek empty house insurance quotes before you leave, you could come home to a nasty surprise. Landlords and homeowners can use unoccupied house insurance.

What’s unoccupied property insurance?

In the UK unoccupied property insurance is another term for empty house insurance. The difference between the two is that any building can be unoccupied. Not every building is a house.

How long can I leave my house using standard home insurance?

Not all building or home contents insurance has an allowance for empty homes. If your insurer does offer cover, it won’t be for longer than 30 days. Check your home insurance policy if you are uncertain.

Can you get empty house insurance short term in the UK?

You can take out empty house insurance for as little as 30 days. Insurers don’t work in weeks; they tend to work in months. This means the minimum period is a single month. You can move back into your home before that.

How long can I leave my house empty for before I need insurance?

If you are leaving your home unoccupied for longer than 30 days, empty house insurance is prudent. It will protect your goods while you are away. Your home contents or buildings insurance may cover you for up to 30 days of emptiness. After this, you should use a site like ours to compare empty house or commercial landlord insurance quotes.

What’s an empty house insurance probate?

If someone you love dies and leaves you a house, it will stand in probate until the legal team divide the estate. The beneficiary of the estate must take out empty house insurance. This will make sure that the empty property is insured against damages until the rightful heir inherits it.

Is temporary empty house insurance possible?

The minimum period you can get for empty house insurance is 30 days. The well-known brands of insurance company work in months, rather than weeks. A property is only legally ’empty’ when it is empty after those 30 days.

Do you need empty house insurance legally?

Empty house insurance is not a legal requirement. However, it is good sense. Without maintenance, houses can develop structural flaws which can devalue the building. Damages from water can make a building unsafe. Empty buildings are at risk because there is nobody home to notice when things go wrong.

Where can I get empty house insurance quotes for UK homes?

We provide tailored empty house insurance quotes for UK homes, here at Apricot Insurance. We have a valued network of trusted insurers who will offer you competitive rates.